Thursday, July 05, 2007

It Continues...

The CEO won the power struggle. The Chairman of the Board was kicked off the board and barred from the office. The CEO went on to demand that the board back off and run the company the way he wants. That means there will be a lot of people losing their jobs.

I, however, will not be one of them. In fact, the CEO sat me down and told me that I was going to be taking on more responsibility.

Lucky me.

With this job I have set thresholds. The final threshold is the end of the year. If I can make it through the holidays, I'm practically golden. I'll know if I'm in a Ph.D. program. If not, I'll have logged enough time that I can start looking for a new job without looking too much like a job hopper. Right now I have three jobs that lasted less than two years. This would be number four.

And more good news! I figured out what I need to do with the story I'm working on, and I have another story completely mapped out in my head! I need to get them down fast!

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