Saturday, February 11, 2006

...And Then There was Light

The moment I've been dreading in this whole employment issue came and went almost as a nonevent. The owner of the restaurant, as I've noted elsewhere, is a rabid control freak. In the last few weeks he's invested rather heavily in my little cafe. As with all of his long-term employees, he tends to take a proprietary attitude toward me. I know for a fact he's sabotaged several lucrative potential job offers at other neighborhood establishments because he does not want his recognizable employees appearing anywhere else. He's very jealous.

We met only briefly and I simply gave my notice. I told him I had an opportunity that I simply could not afford to pass up; that it was only temporary; and that I hoped to come back -- in fact I'd figured a way in which my spot could be kept open with long-term coverage -- but I understood if he couldn't do it. He said he'd call me on Monday and we would talk. Whether he will hold open my current shifts or not really doesn't matter. I think there is a better than even chance this job will go permanent, and even if it doesn't, I can temp until I do find something.

I'm thrilled to have my weekends back to myself, even if only temporarily. I'm looking forward to a regular, civilized routine and reconnecting with my friends who also live in the Monday - Friday world. I've missed them.

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