Friday, June 29, 2007

Thinking One Step Ahead

I've learned something from Dick Cheney, and I pray that the Democrats have as well. The real election isn't for president, but for vice president. That is the catbird seat.

From that position, Cheney has sat almost completely out of reach of the long arm of the law. And if my some miracle of miracles the law was to reach him in some way, he has his trusted puppet there to pardon him.

See? Put on the show and put someone who looks good, someone who "connects" with the people and someone who will draw fire in the Oval Office. Bush has done just that. Those who say that Bush has insulated himself with cronies have it backwards. The cronies have insulated themselves with Bush. You don't dare impeach him, because Cheney is lurking, and you don't go after Cheney because Bush has the power to protect him.

What's more, as I look at the two Democratic front runners, Clinton or Obama, I fear a replay of JFK. Can't you see the news footage now? In the event that the Oval Office was unexpectedly vacated, (and I think that given the controversial nature of either candidate and the political nature of the world in which we live that's at least a possibility) I want a strong number two.

I'm no longer interested in the presidential candidate. Who are they going to put in the number two slot?

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