Thursday, June 21, 2007

It's Not in My Head

Lots of clerical work at work. I hate it. Had a meeting with the manager who imitated me in a meeting. She can barely conceal her hatred of me, but she's been told that she has to do what I say.

In another meeting, my boss was mocked by two other managers. He made a point, and they laughed at him. It was shocking. Because they've both expressed their contempt for him to me, I knew that I was not mistaken in how I was interpreting their laughter. But two other people, plus my boss mentioned the outburst to me -- all three of them completely unprompted by me.

So, I met with both of the managers separately and told them that their outburst was inappropriate and probably did not serve their own interests. I told them both that they would be forever defined, at least in part, by that outburst. The more junior of the two managers got defensive and spent nearly half an hour trying to justify his actions, saying my boss doesn't deserve any respect. He ultimately said he was going to apologize. He's yet to do it.

The allegedly more senior manager listened politely to my little speech and responded with, "Point taken." And then we moved on.

This is the kind of people I'm dealing with on a day-to-day basis.

Well, I've avoided my story long enough. It's going well...

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