Saturday, June 30, 2007

The Dual Center of the Universe

I have met one person with a Northwestern degree that I could stand. I've worked with many of them from many different programs and with many different degrees, but there is one common element: they are superior to everyone who does not hold a degree from Northwestern.

About a year ago my company hired three law students from Northwestern and gave them the title of vice president. Immediately one of them started charging up extravagant "business" trips, spending weeks at a time in Los Angeles making "contacts." To date he's not generated the first penny of revenue.

The second was incorporated into senior-level management making decisions and almost from day one he began criticizing how things were done, and not in a constructive manner. About six months ago he started telling me how he couldn't respect the other senior managers. He seemed to be able to give dispensation to anyone who might agree with him, but those who didn't are stupid.

Well, the situation at our company continues to deteriorate. The CEO went on vacation, but only after he told me to fire the Money Spender. The Money Spender had tried to make a pitch for his job and the CEO said he'd consider it, but told me almost immediately that he wasn't interested. He gave me instructions on how to handle it and I did.

In less than ten minutes the Smart One was in my office ranting about what a stupid decision this was and how it has ruined. Ruined! The Smart One has tended to be emotional and it has been my job to talk him down from more than one ledge. The CEO made it crystal clear that I was not to do that any more. Twice this week I was subjected to tirades and I had to just sit there and smile, saying, "Gee, I wish I could help."

Later yesterday, the Smart One came in and told me that one of his staff had just resigned, supposedly in sympathy over the way the Money Spender was treated. There was more than a hint that the Smart One was next.

I say good riddance. They were arrogant, high-maintenance, adolescent snobs.

Oh, did I mention that my top choice for a Ph.D. program is Northwestern?

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