Saturday, June 02, 2007

Random Updates

So much to write about, and as is typically my problem I don't know where to start. So, quick updates on random topics:


I'm finishing my final reading assignment, then on to critiques of class projects, then on to finishing rewrites of my projects. Then graduation.

I'm really conflicted about graduating. If it's not apparent from my posts, I'm mentally fatigued. Yet I'm dreading the lack of structure that not being in class brings. Every summer I've gone through an emotional period of about three weeks when a class ends. There is no chorus until September, so that just leaves work.


The emotionally stunted people I work with drain me of any initiative I might generate.

Writing & Reading:

This is actually a fairly exciting area for me. With freedom from academia, I'm able to devote some time to the reading and writing I want to do. I've been sneaking some time with Joan Didion, who is allegedly the guru of creative nonfiction. While I'm enjoying The Year of Magical Thinking and recognize quality writing, I'm not finding it to be jealousy-inducing work. I have not found a must-read author in Didion that I discovered in Faulkner last summer.

As for writing, I have two essay collections rattling around in my head, an idea for a collection of short stories, not to mention my novel that is begging to be re-written. I have to find a way to translate enthusiasm into discipline.


I'm at the painting stage, but I'm waiting to hear about new windows. If they're going in this summer, I'll wait to paint.


I'm beginning to wonder if a monarchy isn't a bad idea. I'm having difficulty generating enthusiasm for any candidates, but I've definitely eliminated Clinton, Guiliani, McCain, and Romney. I'm less than enthusiastic for Edwards. Obama hasn't really proved himself to me, but he gets kudos for disclosing his income tax report to the media while others hesitate or refuse. I'm willing to give Biden a chance to reform himself, but I'm not hopeful. Kucinich belongs in the next administration's cabinet, along with Sharpton (I know he's not running this time around.)

At the moment I think a campaign between Paul and Gore might be the most productive for the country, but I'm not confident in either men as a world leader yet.


Nothing until September.

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