Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Add Mayonnaise and Stir

From time to time I convince myself I'm a responsible adult and go to the grocery store to stock up on healthy foods. A month later I pull out bags of liquified spinach and cartons of calcified milk wondering where all the Little Debbies have gone.

My mind works pretty much the same way. I have books by Virginia Woolf and Carson McCullers and Doris Lessing, not to mention Edmund Burke and Malcolm X, all begging to be read. Still, there's an episode of Law & Order showing that I've only seen three times -- and that only takes an hour.

This blog is the mental equivalent of my kitchen counter on the day I sort out my refrigerator. Here is where I'll separate the garbage from the edibles. I promise not to leave out anything furry for public consumption -- only things that are digestible by those with a discerning palate. And every now and then I might include a sweet Little Debbie.

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