Thursday, September 20, 2007

Finishing Touches.

I've tried to come up with something suitable to post; something pithy and entertaining.

But nothing.

The fact is there are just too many loose ends right now. Job search. New business. PhD. Student loans. Family. Nothing seems to stop.

When I graduated from college my mother told me that my father told her, "I guess we're the older generation now." The other day I was talking with a friend of mine, who has always been mysterious about her age. She happened to mention that she was old enough to be a grandmother. When I first met her she was playing ingenues.

I blinked and my twenties were over. I blinked again and my friends started turning fifty. I feel like my life just started, but I'm looking at my contemporaries and realizing that they're all in the middle of their lives. That means I am in the middle of my life. I just want to stand in the middle of the street and scream, "Wait!" I look at people in their twenties and think of them as contemporaries, forgetting that they look at me as their father's age.

I am no longer a kid, but does that mean that I have to be old? I don't know how to be middle aged. I've always operated on the assumption that I would go on forever, that I had all the time in the world. But it's nearing the end of September, and it seems like earlier this morning I was laid off. Where did the past eight weeks go? What do I have to show for them?

Actually, a lot. A new profession. But there are a lot of things unfinished, and for the first time that is starting to bother me. I need to get moving on them. I need things to be finished.

I also need to let go. If something's not working anymore, I need to let it go. There literally isn't any more time to devote to trying to make things work. Move on.

Stop worrying where you're going, move on. If you can know where you're going, you've gone. You have to move on.

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