Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Dedicated readers of Ham Salad know that I have never posted a video clip before, but I thought this exchange was very important.

Joy Behar's statements at the beginning of the clip are really the reason to watch this, and Rosie O'Donnell lets her speak. It's when Elisabeth Hasselbeck tries to define the war that things go wrong.

Here's an idea: What if they all were right?

Here's another idea: What if the reason we're in a war in Iraq is because we allowed it?

No one seems to remember that the U.N. Peacekeepers were inspecting Iraq and were saying that there was no evidence of WMD's. And while it's true that we're there now and we need to focus on getting out, it can NEVER be forgotten how we got there.

That said, one the one hand, as much as I oppose the war, I think it is a mistake to publish a timetable for leaving Iraq. On the other hand, war is escalating in the Middle East. If we don't get out of Iraq soon, we will be driven out by a war with Iran, Syria, Pakistan, and all of the other countries over there who want to preempt a U.S. invasion. Given our conduct and rationale for this war, they would have every right to do just that. We cannot win a multi-front war on the other side of the planet, and we'll have no allies. We will go it alone. We will have to institute a draft. We will be incredibly vulnerable to domestic attacks. And I believe that if this happens during this administration, we will feel justified in using nuclear weapons. If that happens, all bets are off.

There is, however, some good coming out of this war. Slowly. Painfully, I think America is becoming aware and re-engaging in world politics. It's not too late for us to reclaim the high ground and to lead the world to peace. It is not only too late, but it is our responsibility to do that.

And by "our" I mean "your." I mean "my." It's not up to Barak Obama or Hillary Clinton or Rudy Guiliani or John McCain. It is your responsibility to take a stand on world peace.

I've asked it before, and I ask it again: What are you going to do?

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