Tuesday, April 10, 2007

2 Dreams

Dream One: I was having martinis with Zsa Zsa Gabor on a sunny veranda. Zsa Zsa was wearing a fox turban and was absolutely delightful. I had a new tabby kitten, but the tabby had some Persian mixed in because there was some gray in her long fur. Zsa (that's what I call her) admired the kitten, so I gave it to her.

Dream Two: I was living back in the house where I grew up, and the house was virtually unchanged. (I frequently have dreams set here, even though I haven't seen the house in five years and when I did see it, it looked nothing like it did when we lived there.) My adult sister and her youngest son were living there with me, or they'd come for a visit. I was looking at a large stack of snap shots, I believe taken recently, when a major blizzard had hit, leaving several feet of snow. There were four pictures that I remember. In the first I am wearing a Santa outfit and trying to climb over a tall snowbank. The picture is a candid shot and taken from behind, but I'm sure it's me. In the second, a fair close-up, my sister and her son are looking at the camera and from the end of a short tunnel in the snow. It's a very small tunnel, more for passing things through instead of climbing through. Their heads are close together and they're smiling for the camera. In the third shot, my sister and her son are building a snow man. In the final shot, I am posed at the end of the snow tunnel and in my nephew's place from the previous shot, is the head of the snow man. This picture in particular caught my attention because I thought it was an especially good picture of me, which is rare since I've never seen a picture of myself that I could look at for more than a second.

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