Thursday, March 15, 2007


Well, the penultimate class of my program has ended, and I'm afraid I let it end with a whimper. Two weeks from the end I became sick and never recovered the momentum needed to complete my final paper. To say that it was feeble and weak would be kind. If the professor is feeling generous, she may allow me an A-, but frankly I expect I'll pull a B. Not happy about it, but completely deserved.

The winter quarter has always proven to be the most difficult for me. February is historically the month where crap happens that I have to deal with. This year it was the serious fall and the worst flu of my adult life. Crappy weather sealed the deal and I found that I only had energy to blog and watch television. I think I was ten minutes late to work every day in February.

But March is always the up-swing month, and I have a full week to recover. I have a short story that I've been dying to get to. I'm going to finish it this weekend and then I'm going to see what I have in my library that I can polish up and possibly submit for publication in the student magazine. A couple of years ago I wrote a surrealistic peace that has some potential. I'd like to submit three short stories and three poems. That's the target.

Work continues to be boringly dramatic in that there is a lot of emotion but no real action. Being the human resources person means that all the emotion comes washing up on my desk and I have to deal with it. Today I simply got up from my desk at lunch and walked out of the office. If I had to look at another employee my head was going to pivot 360 degrees and I was going to start shouting obscene things about the mothers in the office. Because I make up the holiday schedule, the office is closed tomorrow in honor of "I Want A Holiday in March" Day. I'm celebrating by getting a new bathroom.

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