Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I Don't Heart Huckabee

Mike Huckabee is really starting the scare me. And deeply, deeply offend me.

First, I resent a potential world leader casually placing his own religious beliefs at the pinnacle of importance. Whether Mr. Huckabee realizes it or not, other religions have significant holiday celebrations at this time of year. And many of those religions have devout members who live in the United States. While it may be the most important thing to Mr. Huckabee and Christians to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ at this most wonderful time of the year, it is not of supreme importance to everyone else. And what about African Americans who may believe in Christ, but celebrate Kwanzaa?

As President of the United States, Mr. Huckabee would ostensibly represent the entire country and in matters that have little or nothing to do with religion. Now, unless he's willing to ride on a completely Christian platform and allow the first plank to be "What would Jesus do?" I'll thank him to keep his religion out of my politics. (Wouldn't that be interesting? To see a Christian candidate run on an actual Christian platform.)

But what was really frightening about Mr. Huckabee's ad is the ease and elegance with which he comfortably stepped in front of a camera with soft light and softer focus and singled out a segment of the American population as his chosen people. Now, he either approved that ad with full knowledge of how the rest of America would respond, and didn't care; or he put that ad together out of complete ignorance of the fact that it was divisive and offensive. Which approach is more frightening from a world leader?

I tend to believe that the ad was completely calculated and far more insidious than anything Karl Rove leashed upon the country. It's tempting to believe that the current nightmare will end with the end of the Bush administration, but I think there's a very real chance that it could become more nuanced with next administration -- whoever may head it.

But of course, both approaches demonstrates in many nuanced forms exactly why the rest of the world views America as arrogant and clueless. What is even more maddening is that such arrogance and blissful ignorance is wrapped up in a folksy avuncular persona and packaged as America's savior. Huckabee's ad might have been a winner if he had simply acknowledged that the Christians do not have a lock on December as a holy month. By invoking the dreaded "Happy Holidays" motif, or even better yet, emphasizing the season's message of peace and love, regardless of religious affiliation, Huckabee could have demonstrated that his administration truly could be a uniting force in the country and the world. That's what Jesus would have done.

Merry Christmas, indeed Mr. Huckabee.

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