Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Right now my life seems to be completely about applications. Job applications, my PhD applications, etc. I have the professors lined up for the recommendations, but one of them wants to see my writing sample before she does the recommendation. The writing sample isn't nearly ready and I have to have a coherent draft by Thursday, noon. It will be tight, but I think I can do it.

The business seems to be flowing. My work, I think is steadily improving and my clients seem to be genuinely impressed. I'm not taking any new appointments over the holidays, and since I've been assured that no one does any hiring between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day (in spite of the fact that I always hired someone during that time) I'm preparing for a semi-official vacation. The school applications will be done in the next week or two. I won't have any clients. I'll be decorating my house for Christmas. So all that will be left is to finish up my short story collection.

Frankly, I could use a vacation. Though much of the work in the past two months has been more of an investment than a stream of income, I've been working very hard, and I have to say that as I look back on the year I have to put 2007 in the win column. True, for nearly half of it I have been "unemployed" but I don't think I've ever been more productive.

Tomorrow there are bound to be more inane calls from recruiters, so I'd better get to bed.

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