Thursday, August 09, 2007

Cross Roads

So, with the break in humidity also comes the break in my job search dry spell. Yesterday I had two responses. The first would require me to relocate to Dekalb. I politely declined. The second is more promising and I'll have a phone interview next Monday.

Which presents me with a bit of a dilemma. Do I take a job, or do I pursue my own business? I spoke with my mother last night and while her health seems to be stabilizing, there is still reason for concern. While in the hospital they found physical evidence of the possibility of Alzheimer's. She lives in a tiny town in the middle of nowhere, hundreds of miles from her nearest relative. Is it a good idea for me to be taking on a risky proposition like a business? Wouldn't it be better to take a good-paying job with benefits?

At this point the question is moot as I have neither a business, nor a job. So it seems that the prudent course is to continue to pursue both. Who knows? Maybe do both is the answer.

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