Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Shiny, Happy People and Vampires

I have never understood why certain people take an instant dislike to me. What, WHAT, is not to love? Still, over the general course of my life some people have actually had the nerve to exhibit their lack of breeding and good taste, and shun my presence.

And, over the general course of my life, I've been able to categorize these people into two sweeping categories. The first is typified by a certain recently-pseudo successful actor who is receiving more national attention than he deserves and who, when his current television show is canceled will shrivel into his rightful place as a misspelled index entry in the history of American entertainment. Still, said actor does possess a certain amount of focus and self confidence and the ability to quantify a person to the point that he can instantly determine whether that person will translate into any tangible value for him. While I admire and respect such skill and focus, I generally loathe people who possess those qualities to the exclusion of all other human traits. I call these people Vampires.

The second category I just recently (tonight, actually) identified. Their the people who have to form a clique. The criteria to be part of the clique could be anything..."We wear Wonder Woman underoos on Wednesday..." and the implied message from these people is, "...and you don't!" In every situation these people seem to band together and begin the process of identifying "them." The chorus is full of these tedious people. I've been a member for two and a half years, and I still haven't fully determined the criteria for becoming part of the cliques. It has something to do with sexual desirability, income potential, and dental hygiene, but I can't quite make it out. Whatever it is, I don't fit.

For years, with both groups of people, I would worry about how could I get these people to recognize that I'm ADORABLE! Then, said actor from the first group made me realize that I could do nothing to demonstrate my value in his world, so I learned to stay as far away from him, and eventually people like him, as I possibly could.

However, the second group has been trickier for me to deal with. There is something about the challenge of, "You can't hang out with us," that is irresistible to me. "Yes I can, and you're going to love it!" is almost my genetically encoded response. But lately I've decided not only that I will never be a meaningful part of any clique, but that -- and here's the revelation -- those people generally are not worth MY time. I DON'T NEED THEM. People who can only socialize with an approved category of people are pathetic, intellectually stagnating cousin fuckers. I hereby resolve not to spend another second worrying about them.

And now to bed...

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