Saturday, July 07, 2007

Pathetically Simple

Below is the text of the letter I sent to each of the four Democratic candidates who interest me in the coming presidential election: Biden, Clinton, Edwards, and Obama. It was shockingly simple to do. Just the name into any search engine. That will lead you to their web sites and each site has a "contact us" section.

If you like, feel free to copy and paste my letter. Do I think they will actually be read by the candidates? No. Do I think I'm saying anything they haven't heard before? No. But I'm saying it and I'm not waiting until 2008 to say it.

You shouldn't either.

There three major issues that will govern my voting in the next national election:

1) environment, 2) health care, 3) war.

While all three of these are complex issues and there can be some
discussion as to the details of courses of action, the outcomes are very simple:

1) clean it up, 2) access to everyone, 3) end it.

The person who gets my vote is the one who convinces me that he or she can do those three things in the most efficient, effective manner. And that can be demonstrated in two simple ways:

1) responsible campaign funding, 2) unequivocating political rhetoric.

I challenge you to state your position on each of these three points
and to publish your action plans as a commitment to the American people as to
how you will dedicate the remainder of your political career.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

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