Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Democratic Debate

The Democratic debate just finished. What became clear to me is that I do not want Hillary Clinton in the White House. She is a politician. She is a statesman. She belongs in the Senate, and that's where I want her to stay.

Barak Obama will make a great president. Someday. The sad truth is that the next president has to be willing to get his hands dirty. I admire and respect his desire to maintain the high road, but if a candidate cannot speak frankly and directly in a campaign debate, I do not believe he can speak frankly and directly once in office. And frankly, we're facing a transportation crisis in Chicago and he is missing in action on this issue.

Richardson, Dodd, and Kucinich have virtually rendered themselves irrelevent.

That leaves me with Biden and Edwards. And here's where my dilemma comes in. I actually believe that Biden would make a better president. But I believe that Edwards is more electable, particularly in the primary. So, do I vote my principles and vote for Biden, and thereby help insure a Clinton candidacy, or do I vote for my number two choice and go with Edwards who I think can beat Clinton in the primary?

Everyone talks about the election being decided by Iowa and New Hampshire, but the truth is that this election will be decided in Ohio, Florida, and Pennsylvania. Just like the last elections.

I've decided that if I had to vote today, I'd want a Biden/Obama ticket. That's the ticket that I think would be best for the country. I think an Edwards/Obama ticket could win.

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