Saturday, September 30, 2006

Pieces II

I took the day off work yesterday to run errands and write an essay. I'm entering it into a contest, and the deadline is midnight tonight. I also have to: read a hundred pages of French philosophy, go to the gym, write a response to an ancient Japanese essay, go to the dry cleaners, create a two-page employee review form, do my laundry and go to the grocery store. So, of course I'm updating my blog.


Work continues to grow more tense around me. I am daily having meetings with my boss's boss, who daily keeps telling me that he wants to fire my boss. The CEO and CFO are still conducting an indirect war, but through it all I'm am repeatedly told that I am loved. It's a pay check.


School is good, however I'm afraid that my professor is beginning to live up to his reputation. As I'm sure is true of most English classes, most of the students are female, so I thought it was a tad inappropriate to assign an essay where the writer describes in detail his relationship with his own penis. Still, from a technical standpoint, it was a well-constructed essay, and written by the editor of our text, so it made sense. Still, although mercifully brief, the discussion of the essay made me uncomfortable. I'm not a prude, per se, but I just prefer not to hear my professors make sexual insinuations. I continue to sit in the back and pray he doesn't call on me.


And yesterday I began looking into redoing my kitchen. The estimate comes in at around $15,000, which is exactly three times what I want to spend. I guess I'm going to have to take this in pieces, and I'm starting with the floor. I've asked a friend to help me lay tile, and I think I'm going to order a new refrigerator and stove. Then a new light fixture. I think I do all of that for under $2000. The rest will have to wait.

OK. The gym calls.

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