Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Today was the kind of day I dread. I have had the same five letters sitting on my desk waiting to go out for the past three weeks, and today I decided they would go out or I would die in the attempt. The problem is, and has been, that everybody and his arthritic aunt wants to have his say on what should be in these letters. Three of the five have been completed three separate times, with signatures, only to be pulled and revised. Finally, after about four hours of the nonsense I got the same three approved for the fourth time. One of them I printed up and got into the mail, only to come back to my desk to discover that I'd left out the signature page.

One of the letters is complete, with signature, but is on hold for sending.

Another letter is complete and waiting for a signature, and the remaining two are still in the steep revision stage. These five documents took up my entire day. Meanwhile I had a candidate come in for an interview, only to be told that she'd have to come back tomorrow because one of the VP's couldn't see her today.

It's all I can do not to scream.

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