Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Four Days

With the holiday on Friday, I have a four-day work week. And because I'm in my first year with my new job, I tend to extend the extended holidays with an extra day or two, thereby extending my vacation time and my sanity. So, I am in a four-days-on, four-days-off, four-days-on cycle. The middle part of the cycle is what I live for.

Life in Chicago, in a word, is good. The weather is glorious and I'm riding my bike everywhere. I'm getting to point where my fat clothes are starting to fit and the extra-fat clothes can be put away. Getting up to go to the gym is still proving to be daunting. I haven't yet established a routine, but I'm getting there when I can.

I'm taking the next step in my photography. Actually the two next steps. Commercially I'm branching out into weddings. I've even booked my first one, even though I don't have a clue as to what I'm doing. So, I've been reading myself blind in preparation. And artistically I'm starting to think about composing art shots. Right now I'm just looking at photos I like and trying to recreate them, or at least reference them heavily. It's all very exciting.

The writing continues to lie fallow, but I've sworn to dedicate these four days off to polishing up the collection. The fifteenth of this month marks the one-year anniversary of the beginning of the collection and I'd love to have it finished by then. It will be a Herculean task, but it's possible. Possible, that is, if I don't pack up my camera and ride my bike all around the city.

I love Chicago in the summer.

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