Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I have a new passion. I'm taking pictures. A lot of them. Right now I'm planning to start taking wedding photos, so I'm planning six shoots. I've bought wedding dresses and tuxes (God bless e-Bay) and I've started looking for models.

And that's where the addiction began.

I posted some of my pictures on a modeling website and then started inviting models to become my "friend." To date, I have seventy-three new very best friends! One of whom e-mailed me desperately needing new photos because his agent wanted to submit him for projects in Asia and his port, (portfolio for the uninitiated) was lacking and he needed me, ME to help him out.

There are some amazing photographs on the site. The shots I've done have been for actors. They're basic headshots. By comparison, I think my headshots are some of the best in the city. They're distinctive and the actors look good. But when it comes to doing model shots, they require more pizazz, more style, more actual photographic knowledge.

I've been challenged. We'll see what happens. I may just have to start wearing sunglasses and insist on everyone calling me Guido.

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