Sunday, May 04, 2008

The New Job... tedious, but fine. The new boss - or bosses - are interesting.

The first boss, I never see. He works from home a lot because he's battling cancer. He's an amazing man and the reason I took the job.

The second boss? Not so much. First, and this is huge, he's a Kellogg graduate, which means he thinks that his MBA entitles him to royal treatment. And which means that I know I'm already biased against him. I kid you not when I say that even though his desk is less than four, unobstructed feet from mine, he knocks on his desk to get my attention. Or the wall if he thinks that will be more effective. The last time he did it, the gay waiter in me came out and I smiled and said, "That's never really going to work as well as saying 'Excuse me.'" Ten minutes later he apologized.

But the final demonstration of his attitude that I'm not worthy was when he offered me the opportunity to make some extra cash by BABYSITTING HIS KIDS! Of course, he did this while I'm sweeping up a mess that someone else made and everyone had simply walked around all day. I have to give him credit. He trumped anything I could have given back, so I simply said, "No."

But, it's relationships like these where my genetic talent for passive/aggressive behavior comes in sooo handily. I don't know -- and, God, don't want to know -- exactly what the problems are, but his marriage seems to be rife with mid-life drama. Little phone spats are inflicted upon my work space every now and then. And after each and every one, I start chirping about all of the fabulous things I can do because I'm single; that I don't have a care in the world except as it relates to me, me, me!

That virutally insures a full half hour of silence while Boss Number 2 contemplates his formulaic, middle-class existence.

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